With hand machine

My Mission

My mission is to encourage children from rural areas, small towns and underprivileged backgrounds to pursue STEM.

Arnavh Maheshwary

Student, Class 12, Shri Ram School


Scratch coding class

Coding: MIT's Scratch software

I conduct Scratch coding workshops annually for students from Class 8-12 for children from rural and underprivileged backgrounds. I conducted my first Scratch coding workshop when I was in Class 8. I design the course, create material and lead  workshops. At the end of the workshop children are able to create their own video games using block coding. 

Arnavh_robotics class_1

Robotics using

I conduct Robotics workshops with students from Class 10-12. Using  Arduino, we build an obstacle avoiding robotic car. The objective of this workshop is to make children familiar with robotics, Arduino and programming. I design the course, create learning material including instructional videos and lead the workshop. 



I conduct Technology Quizzes. The objective is to make the children more knowledgeable in the area of Technology. This creates a broader interest in STEM amongst rural and underprivileged children.

Supporting Non-profit organizations and schools in rural areas and small towns

Manav Kalyan Vidya Mandir, Loharka village

Free education for underprivileged children

Manav Kalyan Vidya Mandir Loharka_2

Manav Kalyan Vidya Mandir, Amritsar

Free education for underprivileged children

Manav Kalyan Vidya Mandir Amritsar

Manav Public School, Amritsar

Public school

Manav Public School Amritsar

I support Manav Kalyan Trust which is educating 1800 children in three schools. I have been active with the Trust since 2019. I conduct workshops in coding with MIT’s Scratch coding software, Robotics using Arduino and Technology Quizzes regularly. Over 200 children from Class 8-12 have benefitted from my workshops. The activities have helped to create an interest in STEM and pursue it as a career among the children.

Please message me in the Contacts section if you are interested in these workshops.

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